Basic Tools of ATB

ATB in the Kindergarten. The Basic Tools

One day workshop

This module introduces the foundational tools of Awareness Through the Body. We explore how to implement ATB with kindergarten-age children using games and fun activities. Most of these activities are equally useful for initiating people of whatever age to ATB.

Our specific goal in the kindergarten is to offer children the possibility to take the first steps into awareness; to set the foundation for the ability to “listen” to oneself, to others, and to the world around, and to set the basis for the ability of self-regulation.

We also aim at providing the possibility for children to keep alive the inner contact that each child has with him/herself, so they can begin to unfold all their potential from within.


At this early age we are especially careful not to impose mental concepts or limiting ideas. Everything is approached through experience: direct sensorial contact with what the exercise brings to the children without conceptualizing.

They do not mentally know what the work is about, but they clearly experience it in their bodies.

The experience creates in them sensory memories, which become references and healthy patterns for paying attention, for the use of oneself, and for positive ways of relating to others and to their environment.

Children speak about ATB

“It makes the physical body much more real and you discover things about yourself.”


“It made me more aware of everything around, and it made me much more open. When I get nervous now, or angry, I always return to my breath to cool down.”

“You can use it subconsciously, for balance and coordination.”