ATB 3: Three Days Workshop
In this module participants explore the principles of ATB and their practical application. They are introduced to how to guide an ATB class and to how to organise an ATB program that addresses the needs of the individuals and of the group at the same time.
The new themes introduced are the following:
Structure Settings
Landscapes constructed with various elements which offer the possibility for self exploration and self knowledge. The participants move through these landscapes walking, on all fours, slithering and climbing over ladders, planks, chairs, stools, etc.
The activity requires from the participants an awareness of their own physical boundaries and the physical boundaries of the others.
Group activity in which the individuals throw and catch bamboo sticks simultaneously. The activity helps to develop the capacity for being in the present moment, it improves the use of the peripheral vision and increases the sense of rhythm.
Physical Structure Exploration
An activity to develop awareness and conscious control of contraction and relaxation in the body. An opportunity to refine the ability to sense and for self-sensing
Element Water
Brief introduction to the work with the Elements to be able to sense the effects of the Elements in the different parts of the being.